
Technical Editing

Copyediting text for consistency in grammar, punctuation, spelling, syntax, diction, usage, and adherence to style. Proficient in APA, Chicago, AP, and MLA styles, and will adopt other styles as requested. Most manuscripts ready for submission fall into this category.

Proofreading for typesetting and formatting errors, as well as any errors not caught at the copyediting stage. This is a final read-through of the manuscript before publication.

Creating custom style guides to standardize communication within an organization or a publication. Can address concerns of consistency, target audience consideration, and publication context.

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Content Editing

Line editing for clarity, flow, tone, and language. Although errors in grammar and punctuation are also marked, this type of editing focuses more on stylistic concerns of language use.


Substantive editing to improve structure, development, and flow for writing of all kinds–including academic, creative, corporate, and journalistic writing, personal statements, application essays, and reflections. Work in this category may benefit from feedback on larger-scale issues, such as organization, clarity, and development of ideas. Obvious errors are noted, but a draft that will undergo large-scale revisions will likely need a closer copyedit when it is closer to its final draft.


English language editing (aka developmental editing) to make corrections in syntax, diction, spelling, and general grammar, as well as to adjust awkward phrasings and language usage. Manuscripts in this category would benefit from close attention at the sentence and word level. Experienced in working with struggling writers and with non-native speakers of English.

Coaching and Teaching

Conferencing and tutoring in reading and writing of any kind at any stage, whether brainstorming, outlining, revising, or tackling a particular issue. Experienced in working with writers of all levels on individual projects or on an ongoing basis for growth and improvement. A writing coach is a collaborator, a mentor, a cheerleader, and a resource guide all at once, and can be indispensable throughout the writing process. Online or in-person (local) consultations available.


Facilitating writing workshops to engage peer review as well as discussions of craft and style, aiming for a balance of rigor and collegial atmosphere. Experienced in teaching university courses, seminars, and online discussion.


Guidance in preparing book-length manuscripts for publication, including market research, writing query letters, book proposals, researching publishers (both mainstream and independent), correct formatting of the manuscript, and staying organized and on-track throughout the process.


Guidance in preparing shorter manuscripts for publication, whether articles, feature stories, book chapters, research papers, short stories, or essays. Includes guidance in writing pitches, query and cover letters, navigating publishing routes (journalistic, literary, commercial, academic, etc.), and correct formatting of the manuscript.